14 Oct Riceville Heights, Belt, Montana $165,000 SOLD!!
Beautiful acreage in the foothills of the Little Belt Mountains near Monarch, Neihart, and Kings Hill ski area. This property is located about 30 miles southeast of Great Falls and 12 miles south of Belt on US Highway 89. The property is a blend of grass, trees hills, flats, with a small seasonal reservoir. The property is 41.5 acres of beautiful scenery with building beautiful building sites. The lot includes underground electricity, access to community water system and county approved septic and drain field. 41.5 acres for $165,000.
The information contained herein has been obtained through sources deemed reliable by Juedeman & Co. or Tricia Juedeman, but cannot be guaranteed for its accuracy. We recommend to the buyer that any information, which is of special interest, should be obtained through independent verification. ALL MEASUREMENTS ARE APPROXIMATE.